重庆列举网 > 商务服务 > 法律咨询 > 请帮助我索回工资和被骗借款以治我妻子心脏病


更新时间:2017-03-17 20:06:19 浏览次数:215次
区域: 重庆 > 渝中 > 大坪
1. 新家园公司欠我7个月工资共计157,500(壹拾伍万柒仟伍佰)元(欠薪105,000元+赔偿金52,500元),此欠薪案由中国四川省遂宁市人力资源和社会保障局遂人社监处决字(2016)第7号《行政处理决定书》裁定、中国四川省遂宁市船山区人民法院(2016)川0903行审14号行政裁定书裁定:强制执行。
2. 2015年4月27日,新家园公司、公司老板邹彦林和杨付秀(邹彦林之妻)共三方,向龙小海借款30万元人民币,借期2个月,月利率2%。至今日,上述三方借款人并未还钱。此欠款案由中国四川省遂宁市船山区人民法院《(2015船山民初字3146号)民事调解书》和《(2016)川0903执1317号执行案件受理通知书》以及《(2017)川0903执576号执行案件受理通知书》裁定:强制执行。
3. 龙小海的妻子刘光惠,患有严重的风湿性心脏病几十年。刘光惠接受人工二尖瓣置换术16年,重庆医科大学诊断房颤、房扑、似有瓣周瘘、双房增大、心力衰竭、心功能Ⅲ级;装有人工心脏起搏器8年,需要重新更换人工心脏起搏器。这些都需要昂贵的费用。
1. 帮助我,讨回我被欠的工资157,700元人民币并加利息。
2. 帮助我,讨回我被骗借的300,000元人民币并加利息。
3. 捐助我,帮我妻子刘光惠的心脏病得到医治以延长生存期。
龙小海,生于1952年2月,身份证号码510215195202170410,住址中国重庆市渝中区长江二路39号附18号6-14-6,邮政编码400042,电话中国023-86557292、13996402759,Q Q673443387,电子邮箱673443387@q***,银行账户重庆银行BANK OF CHONGQING龙小海,6221341900128057。

Help me claim back salaries and recover cheated arrear for curing my wife’s heart disease

I am LONG Xiaohai. Xiaohai is my first name and Long my family name. I am in Chongqing, P. R. China. I have got difficulties unsolvable.
Basic fact: August 16 in 2014 through November 4 in 2015, Long Xiaohai was an employee of “Sichuan NewHome Animal Health Science and Technology Co., Ltd.( hereinafter referred to as ‘NewHome Company’)” in Suining City, Sichuan Province, China. The following events have been my haunted nightmares.
1. NewHome Company owes me 7 months’ salaries up to 157,500 Yuan RMB. The unpaid case has been ruled by 《The administrative punishment decision》 Ren She Jian Chu Jue No.7(2016)of China Sichuan Suining Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and by Administrative ruling in writing Chuan 0903 XingShen No.14 of China Sichuan Suining Chuanshan District People's Court: Enforcement.
But to this day, LONG Xiaohai hasn’t recovered even one Yuan RMB of the unpaid salaries.
2. On April 27 of 2015, three parties, including NewHome Company, ZOU Yanlin the company owner and YANG Fuxiu the ZOU’s wife, borrowed 300,000 Yuan RMB from LONG Xiaohai for 2 months loan period and 2% monthly interest rate. To this day, the above three borrowers haven’t paid back the borrowed money. The arrear case has been ruled by 《(2015 Chuanshan Min Chu No. 3146 Paper of Civil Mediation) and《(2016) Chuan 0903 Zhi No. 1317 Perform Case Receipt Notice》 both by China Sichuan Suining Chuanshan District People's Court: Enforcement.
But to this day, LONG Xiaohai hasn’t recovered even one Yuan RMB of the borrowed money and any interest .
3. LIU Guanghui, wife of LONG Xiaohai, has come down with severe, critical and complex rheumatic heart disease for decades of years. LIU Guanghui accepted an artificial mitral valve replacement surgery 16 years ago. Recently, Chongqing Medical University has diagnosed LIU Guanghui’s pathogenic condition as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, suspicious peripheral fistula of artificial mitral valve, bilateral atrial enlargement, cardiac failure, and grade Ⅲ cardiac function. LIU Guanghui accepted an artificial cardiac pacemaker some 8 years ago. Now the pacemaker should be replaced by reason of an exhausted energy. A huge lot of money for the above is imperatively needed.
Ironically: At present, production and business of NewHome Company has been so normal and good that it’s monthly profit being as good as up to 1,000,000 yuan RMB. It is ridiculously weird that the Chuanshan District People's Court has executed not even one Yuan of the back pay or arrearage. And furthermore, Zou Yanlin and YANG Fuxiu live their life to the fullest without any legal sanctions from their obvious swindle and cheating to borrow money.
Mr. LONG Xiaohai hopes to get your help to:
1. Give me a hand to claim me back the defaulted salaries of 157,500 Yuan RMB plus it’s interest.
2. Do me a favour to recover me the deceitfully borrowed 300,000 Yuan RMB also plus it’s interest.
3. Donate towards me to help my wife LIU Guanghui get timely medical treatment of her acute heart disease.

About and contact me the help seeker:
LONG Xiaohai, born in Chongqing, P.R. China in February 1952. ID card No. 510215195202170410.
Address 6-14-6 at 39-18 of 2nd Changjiang Rd., Yuzhong District, Chongqing, P.R. China, postalcode 400042.
Tel(China): 023-86557292; 13996402759. Q Q: 673443387, email: 673443387@q***.
Bank Account: Long Xiaohai 6221341900128057, BANK OF CHONGQING.
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